Off Topic Yiff - How to ..?

Full break down on how this website works. You have two options on each post, either the post contains an image, or video and/or text. To get the full resolution image, click "POST FILE" at the bottom of the post. Text is self explanatory.
The video is either posted as text or you have to click on the post to reveal the text and video URL. Now comes the sometimes tricky part. Usually the video is hosted on vimeo. Click on the vimeo URL to watch the video. Sometimes there is a password needed to watch the video and sometimes that password is provided in the text. Other times the patreon owner sends an email out with the password which means you're not watching that video, oh well.
Other times you'll click on the vimeo URL and the responding webpage will say "Sorry, we couldn't find that page" which means the patreon owner has special permissions on their settings which means you can only access the vimeo video from their patreon page. This is to prevent sites like yiff and others from accessing the video without paying. To access the video from patreon you have to be a paying customer.
But there is a way to circumvent this using the HTML embedded vimeo code at the bottom of the post.
To watch the videos, you'll need to sign up on patreon, took me two minutes. You do not have to submit profile for review. Once that is done, click on "my profile settings" and scroll down until you reach "about you." There you'll copy and paste the embedded code for any of the videos on yiff. Example: copy and paste this code , this is a good video btw (
<iframe class="embedly-embed" src="//" width="1920" height="1080" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>)
into the "about you" section to view the video.
That's how it's done. To download use any of the chrome/firefox extensions. I use stream downloader on chrome.
Thanks a lot but my problem was when u search on google can noy found their yiff or in yiff there is no searching part u can not found what u lookong example sswetest lemon
There is a search on yiff. I don't understand how you people can't use your eyes. It literally says "search creators" and it's almost in the direct center of the page. Does it have to be in the top right corner with a big magnifying glass icon? The level of ineptitude is astounding.