Requests Ladyevil6666 (Cleusa Ribeiro)

ELA ten mais vídeo
MANDO69 commented
Sim tem
Xico punha commented

Vc tem mais vídeos dela???
MANDO69 commented
Não não tenho mais sei que existem mais se a galera colaborar e colocar
Xico punha commented
tentei mandar mensagem ela não responde mais.
E atualmente exagerou um pouco no botox rs
hvanime commented
Thanks for info! Do you know how can I get hold to this stuff? Does she still sell them?
sunpuke commented
She quit selling photos and videos two years ago. What people are seeing now is stuff that has been snipped and scraped from various places. Some of the material I haven't seen before like her posing with the guitars and her playing with the small dildo. Most of the rest has been around for some time.
hvanime commented
You mean, to consider them lost?
sunpuke commented
She may have lost part of or all of the content she had when her phone got hacked. She made a few more videos after that then decided to get back together with her ex husband I believe. That was in 2022 and the chances of her producing new content is zip.