Requests daniellavioti | daniella vioti | vioti

Just a heads up, she is scamming pretty hard on her PPV content in PM’s. I asked her for a couple specific videos like “creampie” or “vid for this pic” and she would send me like random videos and act like she did it on accident. She did it three times in a row and was acting like she got me. It was honestly kind of funny she thought it was a good decision.

Then I hit her with the “all good… just going to do a chargeback.”

Just a warning to you guys. If she does screw you over, go ahead and buy a bunch from her and do a charge back too.
ClarkPep commented
you’re incorrect. she manages her own stuff.
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LOST CAUSE commented
Lol that’s what they all say
ClarkPep commented
lol you either have never PM’d her or youre half stupid if you can’t piece together it’s not an agency run page.
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OFChaser commented
not an agency since she went by Arabian Princess years ago