Requests Kari Nautique Uncensored

Jul 10, 2020
Sorry I’m a little late to the party. Would anyone be able to re-up what’s been previously posted.
xon8383 commented
Clowns- PrdoSmrdic196 & Trinity187, please dont read the post below- LOL

xon8383 commented
anything new from her ?
xon8383 commented
I do
Tccolemanknob commented
xon8383 commented
someone share/DM something, might get a DM :)

Guys start sharing or I’ll stop too.
JST100 commented
She just tweeted today she has a new "Business idea"
PhilLacio69 commented
Yeah, half a nipple for 45 dollars
xon8383 commented
scammer, please sombody compaint about her to OF/do something - she’ll block you after selling few nips pics for $50 , she is crazy.
dondada_23 commented
I can 100% confirm this. although she never blocked me. what happened was she sent a photo that was "supposedly" a preview of a video, and the price was $30. so i got it, and what was unlocked was the same exact preview photo she had sent for free. when i asked her where was the video, she tried to swindle me, into saying that the video was sent to me on "her end". i was like that's impossible, cause i would have gotten it. i had to screenshot and screen record the whole thing and show it to her, and she kept claiming she sent it, so i made a complaint to get my money back, and when i got my money returned to me, she folded real quick. said she'd give me a video to replace it and the video she replaced was trash. now she says she can't find the original video that she was supposed to send lol. beware of her guys. with enough complaints, we can get her taken down. beware of her AND Amber Fields. two biggest scammers on that platform
Jul 23, 2022

some of her old stuff that I got off her only fans a few years ago. Not much nudity unfortunately, but there are quite a few videos. Sorry for the screen recordings... I didn't know better. Let me know if it goes down.
BZC commented
All but one are down
BZC commented
All but one are gone
BZC commented
It went down
gelly17 commented
It's down