Social Media Girls Forum

Ripathy6 commented
Yeah,Meg is really pretty, and for me at least her personality is more appealing that a lot of the OF girls out there. I have followed her for like three years now, and I just noticed her boobs like three or so months ago. I did subscribe to her fansly for a month, but her pricing is a bit much for me rn, hoping she will do more stuff in the future.
Aydrian commented
Comparatively, those men have waaaay more of a chance with women like Meg than they do with women like Peach. That's the main draw of women like Meg, and why there will always be a market for their content. Attainable fantasies are usually more exciting than unattainable ones, and women like Peach aren't even the slightest bit attainable by anyone who views her content.
Ephemerant commented
She specifically talks about it in the post that has this picture. The high price is to try and keep leaks from happening, and she mentions it being a vulnerable point.

The number of times I've seen a content creator ask people not to leak NSFW, then stop when NSFW leaks happen is too many to count. Saying "it's naive not to expect leaks" is irrelevant. If they don't feel they can trust us with that content, they'll stop doing it.

That's the problem with people online: they have no patience. They immediately share something that might be sensitive to the creator, instead of giving it some time for the creator to get more comfortable.
EmeraldWeapon commented
it makes no sense. Like someone already pointed out anyone that has any knowledge about the internet KNOWS onlyfans will leak regardless of how popular or how expensive your content is. Making it expensive will only make it more appealing for leakers so the most logical conclusion is that her price is high because she's not popular or hot enough to have tons of subs so to make it worth the exposure she will charge more. She's not dumb dude, there is 0 chance she thinks that her price would affect leaks and to be fair I think she's doing the right thing as long as she step up her game and her content becomes worth for anyone interested. More exposure will justify a higher price tag.